Overcoming Emotional Feelings in Relationships Updated for 2025

Updated: 01/23/2025

Overcoming emotional feelings in relationships is a difficult concept, as emotional feelings are much more difficult to keep track of than anything physical.

They can also damage a relationship and this sadly, can happen without the persons or certainly one of them, even knowing about it at the time.

There can be an emotional barrier placed between you and your partner. This is when you or they feel that either one of you are failing to sympathise with each other.

Partners sometimes forget or certainly fail to acknowledge that they can both show their affections for each other and share those personal feelings, knowing that each of them can really be understood without being humiliated.

It is usually at this point, that each partner realises the other is not only their lover, but also their best friend.

This of course, is an excellent combination of emotional and physical intimacy within the ideal relationship.

However, this does not always necessarily have to be with your partner, as emotional feelings are visible with friends, family and even with your pet.

Overcoming Emotional Feelings

Overcoming Emotional Feelings in Relationships

Having a friend of the opposite sex does not mean that you or your spouse is actually involved with them, but the emotional feelings arise when either of you becomes more emotionally related to someone else, not to each other.

If you feel more excited and comfortable, sharing intimate details about your life with someone from the opposite sex, but not with your actual partner or spouse, this can be a sign of emotional feelings.

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So, whilst trying to overcoming emotional feelings in relationships, people often get distracted from intimacy in those very relationships.

This can happen for various reasons and they can easily miss the opportunity to deepen these relationships.

Below are some tips that will help you find and solve problems that keep you from intimacy in the relationships that you are looking for.


Moments of emotional openness can completely change the relationship for the better.

Most of us need support to be more open and honest, and this is because we do not want our partner to react in an adverse way.

We rely on our partner for our positive self-esteem, and this we do so efficiently, that sometimes we do not express exactly what we feel inside.

When we hide big secrets from our lover, it uses a lot of internal and emotional energy.

The art of telling our partner our feelings frees up the energy that was previously associated with efforts to contain these particular feelings.

Find the problem and overcome it

Do you know what kept you from getting to know someone?

Why you keep people at arm’s length?

Is it because of bad experiences in the past that hurt you?

There are many reasons why you refrain from intimacy in a relationship.

What you have to do is turn to them, explain your feelings as best you can, as this is the only way for you to move forward and have a real intimacy in the relationship in the future.

Deal with things in one step

Solving problems that cause you to shy away from intimacy in a relationship can allow you to make a conscious effort to change your habits.

You may feel that you do not want to, but by making small steps, for example, hugging this person when you usually do not want to or simply hold hands with your partner are ideally starting to create intimacy in the relationship.

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This may be the case when you have sex. It is best to be touchy at other times as well as when you have sex, as this will add to the general sexual experience.

By doing this, you may well be able to increase the physical intimacy between you and after a period of time doing this, it could become second nature.

Do you know the difference between physical and emotional feelings?

Most women will probably agree that intimacy leads to sex, and most men believe that sex leads to intimacy.

This is not a fact, but it can be true for the majority because men and women think otherwise.

The fact is that physical intimacy in relationships does not necessarily lead to emotional intimacy.

We can have sex and still feel disconnected from our partner, which makes physical intimacy in the relationship unsatisfactory.

Being physically and emotionally intimate, is both useful and satisfying, but remember that not all people believe one leads to another.

Emotional Feelings

Do not bombard your partner with unnecessary information

Sometimes, overcoming emotional feelings in relationships makes us feel the need to tell people everything about ourselves, and this can be off putting to some.

On the other hand, some people hold back a great deal of information that makes them seem cold.

It is best to divulge small snippets of information as and when appropriate.

This is the right balance, and you can provide the necessary information when you are asked to, if necessary.

Intimacy in relationships also consists of communication between both partners, and if time allows you to approach someone, but be too demanding or the complete opposite in being too restrained, it can easily turn someone away from you.

Forget about the past

Perhaps you find the intimacy in a relationship complicated because you were emotionally or even physically wounded in the past.

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You may have felt that you will end up suffering all over again.

This can have very unpleasant consequences because you tar everyone with the same brush, categorising them or allowing your experiences to affect the present or future relationship.


Everyone is different, and overcoming emotional feelings in relationships gives everyone a chance and to be able to engage in intimacy within a relationship with you.

If you have someone on your mind whom you would really like to begin a relationship with, as well as become affectionate too, then try writing down your feelings towards them and think about what you wrote down and how different they are from those who hurt you in the past.

Having done this, it may well be that you will understand how to overcome past feelings and have a well-deserved intimate relationship in the future.

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